How and why to get a PHRF rating

Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (PHRF) is a handicapping system used in yacht racing. By assigning each boat a handicap, or PHRF rating, based on its expected speed, this system enables different types of sailboats to compete against each other fairly. What it boils down to is that you need a PHRF rating to race against boats that aren’t exactly like yours.

NC PHRF is the organization that assigns PHRF ratings in North Carolina. As their site explains, your PHRF rating is a "time on distance" allowance. The difference between two ratings is the number of seconds owed for each mile of the course. Lower PHRF scores equate to faster boats. For example, if a faster boat with a PHRF rating of 150 sails against a slower boat with a PHRF rating of 182, then the faster boat "owes" the slower boat 32 seconds for each nautical mile of the course. For a 4 mile course, the 150 rated boat must finish ahead by at least 128 seconds in order to be the winner.

  • When we do around-the-buoys races, everyone starts at the same time, the race committee records the precise finish times, and the scoring system factors in the PHRF ratings.
  • When we do pursuit races, the race committee uses the PHRF ratings to determine each boat’s start time. The boats with higher PHRF ratings (the boats that take longer to sail a mile) start first, the idea being that if everyone sails a perfect race, they finish at the same time.

Here’s how to get a PHRF rating

  1. Go to and print the Rating Application Form.
  2. Fill out the form. Although you could enter measurements from sites like sailboatdata or your manufacturer’s site or your manual, it’s best to take your own measurements because no two boats are exactly the same. There's a reason the form doesn't just ask for the year, make, and model of your boat. Plus, it’s good to know your measurements for when you need new parts. If you ever need to order a new sail, any reputable sailmaker will insist that you take these measurements, so you might as well find a long tape measure and do the work. If you need help or have questions, any ODC skipper has probably done this before and would be happy to help you. Keep a copy or photo of your completed form.
  3. Back at, open the page of committee members. (The form refers to the same people as “NC-PHRF officers.”) If Henry Frazer is still listed as the representative for ODC, and you live nearby, you can take your completed form and check payable to NCPHRF to his office. Otherwise you can mail it to him.

Henry will do whatever it is he does and notify you of your rating. Once NCPHRF has processed your form, you will get a PHRF certificate in the mail and your boat will show up on the NC Rated Yachts page of


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PO Box 981, Oriental, NC 28571

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